#️⃣ Placeholders

Provider for PlaceholderAPI's placeholders

Simple placeholders

  • %rediseco_bal_<currency>% - returns the balance with 2 decimals

  • %rediseco_bal_formatted_<currency>% - returns the balance with 2 decimals with currency symbol

  • %rediseco_bal_short_<currency>% - returns the balance with the unit symbol specified in the config (millions,billions,thousands...)

You can use both of them toghether (ex. %rediseco_bal_formatted_short_vault%)

Message placeholders

Inside lang.yml you may set %balance_short% instead of %balance% to have the amount formatted and shortened. This is balance, balanceOther and balanceTopFormat

Advanced placeholders

  • %rediseco_bal_decformat<decimal-format>_<currency>% Shows your balance based on a DecimalFormat (ex. %rediseco_bal_decformat_#.#0_vault% will show 6.5323555 as 6.50)

  • %rediseco_totsupply_<currency>% All the circulating money of this currency (you can use _formatted and _short parameters)

  • %rediseco_top_1_bal_<short/formatted>_<currency>% Displays the player balance at position 1 ("1" is the rank. you can put whatever you want)

  • %rediseco_top_1_name_<short/formatted>_<currency>% Displays the player name at position 1 ("1" is the rank. you can put whatever you want)

  • %rediseco_top_1_playerprefix_<currency>% Displays the vault prefix of the player at position 1 ("1" is the rank. you can put whatever you want)

  • %rediseco_top_1_playersuffix_<currency>% Displays the vault suffix of the player at position 1 ("1" is the rank. you can put whatever you want)

  • %rediseco_top_position_<currency>% Shows in which position the player is in the baltop

  • %rediseco_maxbal_<currency>% Shows the current max balance for the currency specified

Format tags

  • formatted - Adds the currency symbol at the end of the amount

  • short - Appends amount suffixes at the end of the amount (ex: 10k, 40M are 10 thousands and 40 Millions)

  • decformat - Use this if you want a custom format based on DecimalFormat Example: if you want 197.311 to appear as 197.30 you must use #.#0 as this: %rediseco_bal_decformat#.#0_vault%

You can use multiple tags inside a placeholder!! %rediseco_bal_formatted_short_<currency>% will return 1.52k€ for example

Last updated