Register your currency movements and browse the transaction chain
Last updated
Register your currency movements and browse the transaction chain
Last updated
You can search or reverse transactions. Example:
is the transaction ID
You can hover over this component to see the exact time the transaction was executed
This is the button to revert the transaction (the amount will be transferred from the receiver to the sender
transaction <player> <transaction-id> [revert]
- Rollback a transaction with another transaction
Permission: rediseconomy.admin.transaction
browse-transactions <player> [beforedate] [afterdate]
- View transactions of a player (you can navigate inside it: all the playernames are clickable)
Permission: rediseconomy.admin.browse-transactions
Dates format: yyyy-MM-dd_HH.mm.ss
archive-transactions <filename>
- Dump all transaction data to a file. Use it when your transaction db is too heavy
Permission: rediseconomy.admin.archive-transactions