
A system to reach a group of player ("multicast")

How can I see messages from a specific channel?

You need to have the permission redischat.channel.channel-name to read and write on the channel

If you want to give only read permission, it is redischat.channel.channel-name.read

The same with write permission: redischat.channel.channel-name.write

For example, to read and write on the "public" channel it's redischat.channel.public

If you want to hide a channel from a player, use: redischat.hidechannel.channel-name


/channel or /channels or /ch

Opens the channels GUI

/channel create <channelName> <rate-limit> <rate-limit-seconds> <filtered> [discordWebhook] [proximityDistance]

Rate-limit is the message limit every "rate-limit-seconds" seconds

If you put filtered on true you will moderate the messages through the word-blacklist inside config.yml

Proximity: how many blocks away from the sender the message will be sent

/channel setformat <chat message format>

You can use Minimessage Viewer to edit the format

/channel force-listen <playerName> <channelName>

Force a player to write inside a channel

Last updated