
Send permanent messages to your friends or your players

# Enables /rmail /mail and the whole feature
enableMails: true


/rmail (or /mail) send playerName mail-title

You can use it with redischat.mail.write permission redischat.mail.writepublic for public mails

  • After you run this command, a clickable message will appear in the chat.

  • That message links to a web editor where you can modify your mail with MiniMessage format

  • When you’re done editing, click the save button: a command will be copied to your clipboard

  • Then paste and execute the command in-game and choose one of the three options

  • By clicking Confirm you will send the mail to the recipient


Permission: redischat.mail.read


Executing only /rmail opens a GUI with all your mails

Mail options

By right-clicking a mail you can delete it or mark it as unread

Mail options permissions

  • redischat.mail.delete - With this perm you can delete your PRIVATE mails

  • redischat.mail.deletepublic - With this perm you can delete your PUBLIC mails

  • redischat.mail.unread- With this perm you can unread any mail

/redischat-setitem <item_name>

Use this command to set the item you have in the main hand into the mail GUI selected slot

The available items are

backButton, forwardButton, mailItem, privateButton, publicButton

Last updated