Edit items in-game
/redischat-setitem <item_name>
/redischat-setitem <item_name>
Use this command to transfer the item in your main hand to a specified GUI button.
The item will be updated inside the GUI configuration so it will appear instantly and permanently inside the specified GUI
The available items are
Mails: mailItem unreadMailItem backButton forwardButton deleteButton unreadButton
PublicButton privateButton
-> For the public mails menu and private mails menu buttons
Channels: deleteButton unreadButton idleChannel mutedChannel activeGlobal idleGlobal mutedGlobal
ChatColor GUI: colorBlack colorDarkBlue colorDarkGreen colorDarkAqua colorDarkRed colorDarkPurple colorGold colorGray colorDarkGray colorBlue colorGreen colorAqua colorRed colorLightPurple colorYellow colorWhite
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