
Filters are made to modify or block messages with malicious content or to apply certain RedisChat features

To disable a filter for a user set the permission redischat.bypassfilter.filterName

  enabled: true
  priority: 4
  - public
  ignorePublicMessages: true
  sendWarnWhenIgnoring: true


Filters will be applied to messages in order of priority starting from 1

Audience Whitelist

There are 3 audiences inside RedisChat:

  • CHANNEL -> Messages with a channel as receiver

  • PLAYER -> Messages with a player as receiver (private messages)

  • DISCORD -> Messages sent to Discord

If audienceWhitelist is empty the filter will be applied to all 3 the audiences

Channel Whitelist

If the message is sent to a channel audience, the filter will work only for channels specified inside channelWhitelist

If channelWhitelist is empty, the filter will be applied to all channels

Remember: the "global" channel is called "public"

Additional parameters

Every filter can have additional configuration

Last updated