😎Join and quit messages

Customize join and quit messages

You can customize join and quit messages inside the config.yml based on permissions

# Use RedisChat for join and quit messages
# The quit message will be delayed because it might be an early reconnection to one of the servers using RedisChat
enableQuitJoinMessages: true

- permission: redischat.default
# The rest of the config section ...
  join_format: <green>%player_name% joined the server
  quit_format: <red>%player_name% is no longer online

If you're using a communication system based on PluginMessages (not recommended)

You will have problems with the quit message sending because of the limitation that PluginMessages have (they need at least a player online to work)

If you want to hide join/quit messages from players set them to

- permission: redischat.default
# The rest of the config section ...
  join_format: ""
  quit_format: ""


Use the permission redischat.joinquit ("true" by default) to show join and quit messages

Last updated